xAIM project approved!

  • Chiara Demartini
  • Jun 01, 2021

The consortium led by the University of Pavia has won the call of the European Commission “Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom” designed to offer co-financing to stimulate and support the spread of European Digital Service Infrastructures (DSI) in various sectors, including the design and implementation of specialized master’s programs in Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The project’s objectives are:

  1. to establish a specific master’s program dedicated to the use of explainable AI in healthcare, in order to promote the development of highly qualified professionals to address the lack of highly specialized digital skills in AI;
  2. to develop a network of similar programs at European level, to progressively launch a joint master in “Digital Health Management”.

The project is coordinated by Professor Maria Chiara Demartini, co-coordinated by Professor Paola Cerchiello, while the coordination of the Scientific Committee is attributed to Professor Paolo Giudici. Professor Riccardo Bellazzi coordinates the Group of Experts of AI in Healthcare. Doctor Valentina Beretta is the Teaching Manager of the project.

The University of Pavia will be supported by Goethe University (D), Keele University (UK), Leibniz University Hannover (D) and University of Ljubljana (SL).

The overall grant is 1,664,557 euros with a share of 759,518 euros for UNIPV.
